
The Shared Realities Project is a global and multi-local initiative for strengthening social cohesion and resilience in an age of information disorder.

We convene diverse stakeholders across geographies and disciplines to:

  • Enhance visibility on the current and future impacts of the dynamic between accelerating misinformation and erosion of social cohesion 
  • Build relationships and collaborative partnerships 
  • Develop capacities and skills to advance systemic change
  • Identify and incubate meaningful and relevant responses

The Challenge

Digital technologies create conditions in which information:

  • Spreads further and faster
  • Can be micro-targeted
  • Creates different realities

They also amplify and accelerate disinformation on a global scale. 

These conditions play an important role in the erosion of social cohesion through a pervasive feedback loop.

This loop is not the only source of disinformation, nor the only threat to social cohesion. But it plays a critical role in exacerbating vulnerabilities, and it presents serious risks to society. 

Feedback Loop

Our impact goal is to shift the loop

Our Offer

The Shared Realities Project proposes an ambitious, multi-site and multi-year program of work to address the needs and gaps we have observed. It applies a systemic approach and works both in specific geographies and at the global level.

The Shared Realities Project will unfold over three phases: 

  • Phase I: Situated Scenarios
  • Phase II: Cross-Context Learning
  • Phase III: Global Influence

We are currently seeking convening and funding partners for this initiative. 

What is the Transformative Scenarios Process?
The Shared Realities Project applies the Transformative Scenarios Process (TSP), developed by Reos Partners, as a core method and combines it with …
The Challenge: Social Cohesion
Social cohesion is fundamental to the functioning of a healthy society. It refers to the relationships of trust and connectedness that …

The Project Partners

Reos Institute (www.reosinstitute.org): The Reos Institute is an international non-profit working to tackle crucial societal challenges through enhancing systems leadership and collaboration. They are part of the global Reos network, which has been leading systems change initiatives for decades.

Internews (www.internews.org): A global non-profit specialised in building healthy media and information environments where they are most needed.  Internews brings to this partnership a network of local partners in over 100 countries including media professionals, humanitarian organisations, CSOs, and information entrepreneurs, along with community-led solutions to combat misinformation and build resilient information ecosystems. 

Porticus (https://www.porticus.com): Porticus is a philanthropic organisation that aims to create a just and sustainable future where human dignity flourishes by working on systems change in societal and environmental challenges worldwide.